It's an old idea. It made more sense in the apocallyptic pre y2k years, but since no one has thought about it since, and I still like it as a concept, there you have it...

The concept is simple, the world is coming to an end soon... let's say tomorrow morning, and it's "safer" (ie: you will last a few more hours) if you go up a hill. Yes.. we are flooding or something.
So the question is, What would be your Last Aid kit? The 10 most important items to you that you can put in a back pack and carry with you to spend your last 8 hours with?
Here goes my Last Aid Kit with almost a decade of aging (with explanations):
1. Music, my ipod. Ten years ago was my CD player with a Pink Floyd album, thanks to technology I can evade all nigth listening to myFinalPlayList.
2. Pictures of my Wife and two Kids (I often do this on long trips to put on the hotel table). Yes you can bring the wife and kids along too, No, not in your back pack.
3. Food, in my case a good peperoni pizza (no need to have healthy food now), or a loaf of my bread with olives...
4. Beer, a six pack of Guinness (i'm not sure how I will get them here, as they are no longer imported, but this is fiction - my fiction - so Guinness it is)
5. A Book, a good motorclycle travel book, probably one of the earlier Peter Egan's Leanings compilations, Neil Peart's Ghost Rider is good too, but it's going to be a sad nigth, so we don't need any more depressants.
6. A small tent, It's getting cold, and I want my last night to be a nice one.
7. A sleeping bag, for the same reasons
8. Cigarretes, yes they will kill you... but not in 8 hours. Enjoy them.
9. My GPS, I want to find the road up the hill at once, no time to get lost tonight
10. A folding chair, I hate sitting on a rock or log for too long.
I always had condoms in my list, but as I was writing this I thought about the stupidity of worring about catching a STD or getting someone pregnant, if the world is coming to and end... So leave your Lifestyles at home, no need for condoms tonight.
That's it. Thats my TLAK, what would be your's, and what would Madonna's or Britney Spears' TLAKs look like? or Peter Gabriel's or Bill Clinton's TLAKs? and Ghandi's or Mandela's?
I wonder ¿wouldn´t you take your laptop? ¿wouldn´t you wnat to write one last blog entry or contact love ones or have one last chat with distant friends?
Well, good question. When I wrote this at the begginign of 2007, the data communications were not as good as to assume that a laptop could find cellular data signal at the top of a hill.
Nowadasy I woulnd't take the laptop either, I'd proably take my iPhone, that doubles as iPod. So i'd keep my list to ten items and my backpack light.
Plus, if the world is coming to an end don't expect any communications to work. We had more than oneday of blackout because of saturation for the Earthqauke in Chile in late February.
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